Saturday, October 9, 2010

"Three-Putt Blues"

When I created the drawing (posted above) of the golfer struggling to putt the ball into the hole due to excessive analysis, I did not quite have myself in mind as the subject! In fact my putting game is one aspect I can generally rely on from week to week... unlike, for example, my driver, which can get on streaks of missing fairways. In a recent round, however, it was a different story entirely. I was 10 for 12 in hitting the fairway with the driver, but I three-putted greens six times. I repeat, SIX! The most three-putts I can ever remember having in a single round.

In each instance I was on the green in regulation when I three-putted. A couple occurred from 40-45 feet away... but the remaining sins were committed from the 20-25 foot range, and none were from severe downhill/sidehill positions. Many times I play a round without any three putts at all, or when I do, it is maybe one or two times. But SIX?! I thought Rod Serling was going to step from out of the bushes to inform me I had entered The Twilight Zone. I was just plain SHORT all day with my putts. Good line, not enough juice.

I chalked up that 6-time three putt day as being a fluke... especially considering that in the very next round I made nearly everything and had only 27 total putts... go figure!

This golf art print by artist Steven Anthony Salerno is available in a limited edition at